Heartwood Wedding Films | Essex & Suffolk Wedding Videographers

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Our (Moderately Eccentric) Wedding Teaser

I lost track of how many times I was asked during the planning of mine and Molly’s wedding, “Who are you going to choose to film it?”

Being a wedding videographer, I’ll be honest, it isn’t easy to relinquish control over the filming of your own wedding. We would’ve liked to have filmed it ourselves, but having Googled “self-cloning”, apparently the technology doesn’t exist yet and wasn’t likely to exist before our wedding date. Instead, we decided to hire a collection of videographers to film the wedding so we could then edit all the footage ourselves.

Three months after the wedding, having completed our backlog for the year, we made a start on our own wedding video before the madness of the wedding season kicked back in. What better way of succinctly showing what your wedding was like than to put together a quick one-minute teaser film!

It's perhaps fair to say that, when it came to planning our wedding, we wanted to do things a little differently. Our objective of the wedding (other than getting married!) was to create a fun memory for all of those who attended. Whether that memory was dancing with a 7ft cardboard cutout of a T-Rex, donning glow-in-the-dark face paint for a late night UV rave, pond dipping for newts and toads, playing basketball, or having a leisurely drive round the woods in a tractor - what was important to us was to give ourselves and our friends & family a fun and memorable time. Sure, we intentionally sacrificed a few traditions in the process, but it was all worth it to make our wedding personal to us.

And so, naturally, when we started editing our own teaser film, we wanted to do that a bit differently too: fast-paced and mildly mad.

This is what the wedding of two eccentric videographers looks like...

If I could offer any advice to couples planning their own wedding, I would simply say “Do what makes you happy.” It’s a cliche, but it’s the motto of many for a reason. Your wedding day is arguably the most important day of your life, so do all you can to make sure it’s the most amazing one too.