Heartwood Wedding Films | Essex & Suffolk Wedding Videographers

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Sights from our Norfolk Honeymoon

WE GOT MARRIED! Molly and I tied the knot earlier this month and it was an incredible day. We decided early on that we wanted our wedding to be a true reflection of who we are as a couple, and we absolutely didn’t hold back. I won’t offer any spoilers as we’ve not started editing our wedding video yet (yup, we hired a few videographers and are editing it ourselves!) so I’ll leave that for another time. But it was a day to remember, that’s for sure.

A couple of days after the wedding, we went on our honeymoon to one of our favourite parts of the country: Norfolk. We spent seven days exploring nature, and it was an incredibly peaceful and memorable experience - relaxing for the mind, but certainly not for the feet!

Early on, we decided we wanted to film some of the sights we saw along the way and make a meditative video of our experience. We saw some pretty amazing things: two kingfishers, a double rainbow, a dragonfly who came to sit on my hand, and a spider catching it's prey, among many other things.

When filming and editing, I really wanted to capture the essence of what was happening in front of us - what the atmosphere was like. So this video is a faithful representation of our honeymoon; I only wish I could do it all again tomorrow.